
From Clunky to Seamless: How a 'Less-Than-a-Day' Transition to TicketingHub Transformed Up and Under Adventures

Up and Under Adventures, a thriving provider of adventure activities and courses in the southwest of England, faced major problems with their previous booking system. The cumbersome platform made it hard to manage bookings and provide a seamless customer experience. In search of a solution, they turned to TicketingHub, a decision that not only simplified their operations but also led to an impressive revenue surge. Read on to discover how TicketingHub's software made a profound impact on their business.

О клиенте

Up and Under Adventures

Up and Under Adventures, owned by Rob, offers thrilling climbing experiences, abseiling adventures, and navigational courses throughout the southwest of England. Operating for over six years, the company has steadily grown its offerings and recently partnered with Mountain Training to provide certified courses. Their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction has positioned them as an industry leader in their region.

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Rob and his team at Up and Under Adventures faced this dilemma with their previous booking system:

  • Complex Navigation: "The booking system point of sale was clunky and not user-friendly. Navigating the system as a customer was very complex," Rob explained.
  • Limited Flexibility: The platform's calendar-based system didn’t allow assigning products or services to multiple staff members simultaneously.
  • Customer Confusion: The complicated process led to a poor user experience, prompting Up and Under Adventures to seek a better solution.



TicketingHub provided Up and Under Adventures with a streamlined booking system that resolved their issues:

  • Easy Integration: "It took less than a day to integrate," said Rob. “It was a lot easier to then create new products, create discount codes, coupons and embed that into our website in a functional manner”. Despite a slight learning curve, the process was smooth, with the support from TicketingHub making it an easy trip.
  • APIs for Efficiency: Rob appreciated the ability to add APIs, especially for embedding Smart Waiver in communications. "It saves time and ensures all customer information is in one place."
  • Customer-Friendly Interface & Better Customer Service: The new system is simple for customers to use. "Nine times out of ten, customers turn up with their ticket already in hand. This means, that once we've done our introductions, we can scan them in, tick off their names on the register, and get straight into the session and the course. For us, that is just absolutely fantastic. It means that we don't have to go through and figure out who's meant to be there, and who's not meant to be there. It's just brilliant!"
  • Sales Boost: The impact on sales has been substantial. "Compared to the first two quarters of last year and the first two quarters of this year, we've almost doubled our revenue, which is it's just mind-blowing, and long may it continue!"
"It took less than a day to integrate ... It's just brilliant! ... Compared to the first two quarters of last year and the first two quarters of this year, we've almost doubled our revenue, which is it's just mind-blowing, and long may it continue!" -Rob

Simplify Bookings and Grow Your Business with TicketingHub

Ready to simplify your booking process and boost your sales like Up and Under Adventures? Get a demo of TicketingHub today and discover how our user-friendly platform can transform your business. With seamless integration, customizable features, and top-notch customer support, TicketingHub is the solution you need to grow your business.

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Операторы доверяют и любят TicketingHub

Отзывы с веб-сайта Capterra

Выдающаяся стоимость и поддержка клиентов

Соотношение цены и качества этой платформы является выдающимся, особенно если учесть гибкость платформы и аккуратную интеграцию в веб-сайт.
Дилан С
20 января 2022 года

Абсолютно великолепно

Эта система продажи билетов очень универсальна и позволит вам сделать практически все, о чем вы только можете подумать. У них исключительная поддержка клиентов, и кажется, что они знают своих клиентов по имени, так что если у вас возникнут какие-либо проблемы, просто позвоните им, и они все уладят.
Люк Е
25 июня 2019 года

Одна из лучших систем для нужд моей компании.

В целом, эта система стала бесценным инструментом и системой для моего бизнеса, помогая нам расти и расширяться. Мы используем Ticketinghub уже несколько лет, потому что их система идеально соответствует нашим потребностям в продаже билетов по всему миру.
Оливер М
20 июня 2019 года


Онлайн, лично, через доверенных посредников - все в одном месте с помощью нашего программного обеспечения для бронирования туров онлайн.

Любой бизнес

только по карте

* годовой доход более 2 млн фунтов стерлингов Свяжитесь с нами
для получения скидки для предприятий.

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