
Airboat Tour Booking Software

Planning a private airboat tour through the enchanting marshes and spot wild alligators? TicketingHub is your go-to online booking platform, specializing in airboat tours. Handle your customers' reservations and ticket sales effortlessly.

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Streamline Airboat Reservations and Augment Sales

Tailored for airboat operators and tour organizers, our airboat booking software enhances direct online reservations, guest management, and distribution across various channels.

airboat tour software booking widget
Enhance guest interactions with scalable airboat booking software.

Sell 24/7 with a booking widget

  • Drive more direct reservations with a widget tailored to your airboat tour or ride brand.
  • Integrate effortlessly into your CMS with just a single line of code - suitable for your homepage or dedicated booking page as an iframe.
  • Boost conversion rates and guest loyalty with an intuitive 5-step checkout process.
  • Offer multiple currencies and payment methods to cater to airboat enthusiasts.
reseller login booking widget
Empower resellers with a dedicated login portal for tracking airboat ride reservations.

Increase online reservations by 80% with resellers & affiliates

  • Witness up to an 80% increase in reservations through affiliate links tailored to airboat tours and rides.
  • Provide resellers with a white-labeled widget and a login portal, enabling them to monitor airboat ride bookings.
  • Expand your reach by showcasing your reservations on top OTAs - we link you to platforms like Get Your Guide, TripAdvisor, Klook, and Airbnb Experiences.
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Работает умнее, а не тяжелее

Наш домашний рецепт для успеха

Our aim is to streamline your airboat operations and boost your productivity. Our airboat booking platforms and software are specifically designed for airboat operators, reducing customer inquiries and backend inefficiencies by up to 80%.

simplified guest communications
Deliver swift and personalized service with airboat booking software.

Spend less time on customer inquiries

  • Enable guests to reschedule, cancel, or convert bookings into vouchers without delay. Our intuitive link lets customers manage airboat ride bookings!
  • Automatically send ride reminders to your guests with our messaging feature, ensuring they're ready and excited for the airboat tour.
  • Избегайте недействительных бронирований и постоянных звонков клиентов, проверяя их электронную почту в процессе бронирования с помощью нашего валидатора электронной почты.
reduce lost bookings with abandoned cart drip campaign
Take advantage of smart marketing tools and never miss an airboat booking again.

Intelligent marketing

  • Make sure every potential booking is secure with abandoned cart reminders. We send follow-up emails to guests who cancel their bookings.
  • When slots are full, ask guests to join a waiting list so they can step in when cancellations occur.
  • Automate feedback requests for guests. Boost your reviews and online reputation in the airboat booking industry.
easy booking management across devices
Booking software with CRM integration for seamless guest management.

On-the-go management of airboat reservations

  • Поддерживайте синхронизацию между платформами бронирования, настраивая и изменяя слоты доступности.
  • Integrate real-time data on a cloud platform to prevent airboat overbookings.
  • Oversee availability across all booking channels with our comprehensive airboat booking system.
CRM integration dashboard
With our airboat booking software, integration with CRM has never been easier.

Service that stands apart

  • Segment guests in the CRM to offer VIP airboat riders an elevated experience.
  • Facilitate easy booking modifications for guests with a user-friendly link, minimizing lengthy customer interactions.
  • Ask guests to share their experiences post-ride with automated review reminders.
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Особенности Ticketinghub

  • Календарь доступности
  • Мультивалюта
  • Экспорт данных
  • Подробная отчетность
  • Управление коллективом
  • Уведомления о производительности
  • Трансляция сообщений
  • Центральная входящая почта
  • Отношения с клиентами
Черно-белая фотография трех разных фигур
История успеха

Ticket Sales Secrets Behind the Malibu Festival

Malibu Festival chose TicketingHub after their sister company had an excellent experience with our ticketing platform. They were looking for the finest ticketing solution for bespoke events, and TicketingHub delivered just that.
Узнайте о компании Ticketinghub

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Our comprehensive airboat booking software caters to airboat operators, tour ticketing teams, and tour management companies.

It assists in handling guests, streamlining reservations online, on mobile devices, and across multiple sales avenues, inevitably enhancing revenue and ensuring an unparalleled airboat tour experience.

have more happy guests in airboat tours
Streamline airboat ride bookings for superior guest satisfaction.

Boost booking and sales management

Our airboat booking software offers an adept reservation solution that addresses both online and on-site needs.

Bid farewell to tedious manual booking systems and embrace effortless online tour scheduling and management. Our cloud-based platform simplifies booking management via mobile devices.

Whether it's group bookings, VIP tours, or promoting early bird discounts, our software refines the procedure, assuring guests of a seamless and trouble-free experience.

Комплексное управление запасами

With our integrated airboat booking platform, you can seamlessly plan your next tour schedule, slots, and reservations. Our software enables you to manage bookings online and in person, adjust tour types, track sales, and apply offers all from one platform.

Experience a unified booking solution that amplifies revenue and guarantees returning guests.

simplify airboat tour operations
Manage airboat tours on any device with our all-inclusive airboat booking software.

A tailored analytics and reporting solution

Informed decisions are the key to efficient planning. Our airboat booking software supplies vital analytics and detailed breakdowns of reservation trends, guest preferences, and other crucial metrics.

Additionally, our software seamlessly integrates with Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Facebook Pixel.

Dive deep into airboat booking patterns and trends, pinpoint high-demand timeframes, and devise strategies to optimize airboat operations and earnings.

Простая интеграция POS

Airboat booking operations can greatly benefit from our POS system. With real-time sales oversight, refunds become straightforward and no-shows diminish.

Our user-friendly POS system enhances the overall guest experience, ensuring they leave contented and looking forward to future airboat adventures.

Больше советов от экспертов вы найдете в блоге TicketingHub:

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Часто задаваемые вопросы

What is airboat booking software?

Airboat booking software is a specialized platform designed to simplify and streamline the online booking process for airboat tours and rides. Not only does it make booking management straightforward for both tour operators and customers, but it also offers several advantages:

  • Ease of Use: The tour operator booking software ensures that the booking process is easy and simple, reducing the hassle for both tour operators and customers.
  • Payment Flexibility: It provides operators with the capability to offer a variety of payment options and methods, catering to diverse customer preferences.
  • Wider Reach: With online platforms, operators can reach a broader audience, expanding their customer base and increasing potential bookings.
  • Real-time Availability: Customers can view real-time availability, booking their desired time slots without double bookings or scheduling conflicts.
  • Automated Notifications: The software can send automated reminders and notifications to customers, reducing no-shows and enhancing the overall customer experience.

How does TicketingHub integrate with my existing website?

Tour operators and customers enjoy a streamlined booking experience with TicketingHub, which seamlessly integrates with your website. Here's how it works:

  • Connect to a payment gateway: We support a wide range of payment gateways, including Stripe, Paypal, WorldPay, and Adyen. This lets operators offer a wide range of payment options.
  • Product creation: Once a product (tour) has been created, subsequent ones can be easily cloned, optimizing the setup process.
  • Setting Availability: As TicketingHub enables the selection of availability based on seasons or recurring events (single events), customers are always presented with the most accurate information.
  • Ticket creation: Create different ticket categories (adult, child), set prices, and set the number of tickets customers can purchase.
  • Widget creation: Create customized widgets that showcase your brand identity. Once the widget code is configured, it can easily be embedded into your website, enabling customers to book directly on your website.

With TicketingHub integrated into your website, customers can buy airboat tickets and tours seamlessly. In addition, real-time availability checks and automated notifications further enhance TicketingHub's overall user experience.

Can I manage multiple airboats and schedules with the software?

Absolutely! Using the software, guests can select their desired airboat tour, choose a date, and complete their booking. Whether it's a general airboat ride through the Florida Everglades or a private airboat tour, the platform handles it efficiently.

With TicketingHub:

  • Activate the Asset Feature: This is your first step, found in settings.
  • Add Assets: Specify details like the asset's name, capacity, and type (e.g., boat).
  • Understand asset settings:
  • Public/Private: Decide if an asset is available for multiple bookings or reserved for specific ones.
  • Shareability: Determine if an asset, like a boat, can serve multiple events simultaneously.
  • Adjust Availability: Easily set assets off-sale during maintenance or other times.

TicketingHub offers a streamlined solution for managing airboats and schedules.

Is the software's booking widget mobile-friendly?

Yes, TicketingHub's booking widget is mobile-friendly. It allows guests to book tours directly through your website. Key features include:

  • 24/7 Booking: Acts as an always-available receptionist.
  • Streamlined Process: Enables quick appointment and payment completion.
  • Security: Use SSL encryption to protect guest information.
  • Customizable: This can be tailored to match your brand's look and supports multiple languages and currencies.

In essence, TicketingHub offers a secure and user-friendly booking experience for mobile users.

How do customers pay for their bookings?

The software integrates with various sales gateways, allowing customers to purchase tickets online and onsite through POS hardware solutions. Whether they're booking an airboat ride to see wild animals or securing a spot for a fun learning experience, the process is smooth.

Can I offer special rates or discounts for group bookings or events?

Absolutely! TicketingHub offers versatile discounts, tailoring offers for group bookings or special events. Here's how:

  • Coupons or Special Rates: You can apply preloaded Coupons or Special Rates during booking creation. This is done by creating a new order and selecting the appropriate product. Under Booking Options, you can apply Coupons or Special Rates.
  • Adjust Ticket Prices Directly: Another method is to manually adjust ticket prices. For instance, if you have a corporate booking that includes additional perks like food and drinks, you can modify the price per person directly. This will update the total order price for the customer.
  • Apply Discounts via the Order Page: This method allows you to get discounts directly from the Order Page. However, it's crucial to remember to apply all discounts before finalizing the payment, as adjustments cannot be made post-payment.

It's essential to note that any changes to discounts must be made before a payment is processed. Once a payment has been completed, you can't apply or remove discounts.

With these methods, TicketingHub provides a flexible way to manage discounts, ensuring operators can cater to various customer needs and preferences.

How does the software handle cancellations and refunds?

TicketingHub distinguishes between bookings (specific reservations) and orders (transactions with multiple bookings).

To manage cancellations:

  • Full Refund: Open the desired order and click "Cancel Order" for an automatic full refund.
  • Partial Refund or Rescheduling: Open the order, cancel the booking, and manually adjust the refund amount or reschedule as needed.

Additionally, TicketingHub offers the magic link feature, empowering guests to manage their own bookings. They can use this link to cancel, convert their ticket to a voucher, or reschedule.

Is my data and customers' data secure?

Top-tier airboat booking software prioritizes data security. Whether it's guest trip details or sales data, everything is encrypted and SSL-secured.

Can I get reports and insights about my bookings and revenue?

Yes, the software provides insights into reservations, sales, and customer trends. Whether you want to see which airboat tours are most popular or how many guests love the wild ones in the Everglades, the data is at your fingertips.

Is customer support available if I face software issues?

With 24/7 live chat and email support, as well as online helpdesk articles, we're there to ensure your team has an excellent experience with the software.  

When is the best time to go on an airboat tour in the Everglades?

For comfortable temperatures and a rich wildlife experience, we suggest morning or late afternoon tours. These timings enhance the chances of encountering the cypress forest's natural wonder, spotting a baby alligator, or even taking a unique ride on custom airboats or a swamp buggy. Mid-day tours, often highlighted in recent traveler reviews as so much fun, focus on the thrill of the airboat ride itself.

While you can still immerse yourself in the Everglades' local roots and fun learning experiences, nature and wildlife stops might be brief due to the warmth. Don't forget to buy refreshments and souvenirs for home after your tour, ensuring a memorable Everglades adventure.

Откройте для себя компанию Ticketinghub

Сосредоточьтесь на достижении продаж. Быстрее

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Обслуживание клиентов
Соотношение цены и качества

Упростить и рационализировать оформление билетов спереди и сзади

Мы отказались от бумажных записей, бумажных ваучеров и топливных миль, связанных с доставкой бумажных ваучеров. Мы также сэкономили на почтовых и печатных расходах. реп и его команда неустанно работали над внедрением системы на нашем сайте.

Мужчина в черной рубашке улыбается.

Роб С.

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Отличная, гибкая, с большой поддержкой со стороны команды!

Я провожу бесплатные пешеходные экскурсии, и они помогли мне забронировать билеты онлайн, через наш сайт. Система очень гибкая, и команда помогла мне с некоторыми настройками, чтобы она точно соответствовала моим потребностям. Отличная помощь команды. Я очень доволен ими.

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Дэниел Б.



В первую очередь, команда обслуживания клиентов TicketingHub превосходна - всегда готова помочь и девиз: "Без сомнения, это слишком глупо! Само программное обеспечение великолепно, очень интуитивно понятно, с простым, но эффективным интерфейсом, который позволяет нам продавать нашу продукцию, совершать апселлинг, подключаться через API к нашим предпочтительным поставщикам, а также использовать несколько платежных процессоров.

Женщина в белой рубашке стоит перед зданием.

Алекс П.

Досуг, путешествия и туризм

Операторы доверяют и любят TicketingHub

Отзывы с веб-сайта Capterra

Выдающаяся стоимость и поддержка клиентов

Соотношение цены и качества этой платформы является выдающимся, особенно если учесть гибкость платформы и аккуратную интеграцию в веб-сайт.
Дилан С
20 января 2022 года


Прежде всего, команда обслуживания клиентов TicketingHub превосходна - всегда готова помочь, а девиз: ни один вопрос не является слишком глупым!
Алекс П
18 июня 2019 года

Лучшая система продажи билетов, существующая на планете Земля.

Все в нем просто замечательно. От разработчиков, которые всегда готовы помочь вам с любым вопросом, до простоты доступа к системе и ее настройки.
Андреас Д
24 июня 2022 года


Наша модель ценообразования максимально прозрачна. Никаких скрытых платежей, никаких условностей. Платите только за успешные продажи, которые мы обрабатываем для вас.

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